HELP Perks
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Discover the exclusive personalized perks and discounts available to you as a valued member of HELPPerks:
1. Money back and Shopping Points: Earn rewards with every purchase, allowing you to save money and accumulate points for future benefits*.
2. Best discounts: Access the greatest discounts available, maximizing your savings when shopping as a HELPPerks Member.
3. Loyalty Merchant benefits: As part of our global Shopping Community, you’ll enjoy a variety of exclusive benefits when shopping at HELPPerks Loyalty Merchants.
4. Vouchers: Experience flexibility with our redeemable vouchers, allowing you to enjoy discounts and rewards at participating HELPPerks Loyalty Merchants.
5. Online Shopping: Explore a diverse range of offerings from our Online Loyalty Merchants, providing convenient and accessible shopping experiences.
At HELPPerks, we believe that shopping should be enjoyable, and we’re dedicated to providing you with the best possible benefits. As a registered member, you can take advantage of these perks at no cost to you. Shop now and maximize your savings with HELPPerks!
*Terms and conditions apply.
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Helping Employees Learn Prosperity
8939 S Sepulveda Blvd,
Ste 110-248,
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mon-Thu: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(Closed Fridays)